Month: August 2013

Known cell phone thief. Associates

404-838-9163 678-830-8953 Sounds like a dope man on the phone 404-573-6963 678-691-8673 On drexel way,…

I feel crippled by the “free website”

AGGHHGHGHGHGhhhhhOk, so once you go HTML, you can't just go back. Its driving me insane…

Ok, it is inevitable

Unreal! Health insurance is a nightmare! I pay nearly 200 bucks a paycheck for dental…

Why I started making soap, and why I stopped. And why I started again.

I was reading an article the other day by a fellow soapmaker, all I could…

Getting the hang of it

So, things with the canning are going well. We are starting to get the hang…

Strawberry Jam is like crack, almost

I love jam! We used Balls recipe for Classic Strawberry Jam It turned out…

Poor Mary

Mary the Aloe plant is struggling. I'm not 100% sure why, I think gardening may…


Well, apparently they turned out fantastic. But possible soggy. I don't eat spicy stuff, so…