Category: Some Cool Stuff

What’s up with selling online?

Maybe its just me. But I am having a really hard time accepting that Etsy…

Jim Beam vs. Weller wheated

I've recently been introduced to the world of fine bourbon and cigars. A friend of…

Ugh! Apparently Spring is NOT here…

So we got really excited and planted our beds this weekend. Then.... checked the weather…

Not what you want to think it is (or maybe it is…)

Chocolate Scorpions (Smoky LOVE!!!) As it turns out (our boy isn't too happy about covering…

After your 4th fall down the stairs

I'm sure everyone wonders..."ok, I've slipped on the stairs again, now wth?" Sure. I'm sure…


Not written by me..but beautiful nonetheless. And copyrighted thievery. Please email or contact us…

Snow in Georgia…real snow

[caption id="" align="alignleft" width="322"] Trying to uncover our Rosemary Plant[/caption]         [caption…